Toroidal Internal-Combustion Engines> |
Gallery opened: May 2008 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Several inventors have persuaded thenselves that having curved pistons oscillating or rotating inside a cylinder block is a good idea. It is not.
An engine expert speaks:
"A great many ideas for engines in which toroidal pistons rotate or reciprocate within toroidal cylinders have been advanced. The difficulties of connecting such pistons to the output shaft by a simple and reliable mechanism, together with the problem of sealing the surfaces involved, make such ideas little more than amusing adventures in ingenuity."
Quote from The Internal-Combustion Engine in Theory and Practice by Charles Fayette Taylor, 2nd edition, pub MIT press 1985. This book is one of the standard works on the subject. Taylor was Professor of Automotive Engineering at MIT; he has little time for unconventional engines of any kind, and his arguments are persuasive.
Note that Wikipedia refers to this sort of configuration as a Swing-piston engine. Some new information was obtained from "Failed Motor Concepts- Improper Structures or Change Of Boundary Conditions?" by Prof. Dr. Ing. Stefan Zima.
According to Karl Ludvigsen, Dewandre built a toroidal IC engine in France in 1905, that was revived as the Esselbe for aviation use in 1912. The country was probably actually Belgium.
The only information found so far is British patent 28,511 granted on 19th October 1911. It states that the first foreign patent (in Belgium) was applied for on 7th December 1909. Albert Dewandre is said to be living in Liege, Belgium.
![]() | Left: The Dewandre toroidal engine: 1910
![]() | Left: The Dewandre toroidal engine: 1910
The Dewandre engine is unknown to Google.
![]() | Left: The first Beck toroidal engine: 1909
Frederic Beck appears to have been Austrian, but like other inventors seems to have concluded his invention would do better in France. He lived in Neuilly-sur-Seine in France. By 1910 he seems to have rethought his engine, and obtained US patent 977,260 for a "rotary explosion motor" using bell cranks and a face cam to drive the pistons.
![]() | Left: Second version of the Beck toroidal engine patent: 1910
![]() | Left: Second version of the 1910 Beck toroidal engine patent animated
![]() | Left: Third version of Beck rotary engine 1911
![]() | Left: Third version of Beck rotary engine: 1911
By 1913 Beck seems to have rethought his engine again, as Austrian patent 59916 shows a different drive-mechanism using bell-cranks, links, and twin quarter-segment toroids. I think this was the third design, shown at the second air show, as in the photographs above.
![]() | Left: Third version of Beck toroidal engine patent: 1913
![]() | Left: Third version of Beck toroidal engine: 1913
![]() | Left: The Esselbe toroidal engine: 1912
![]() | Left: The Esselbe engine layout (after Zima)
![]() | Left: The Esselbe engine with prop and gear-casing in place
![]() | Left: The Goux-Saint-Genies engine: 1917
It seems likely this engine had a similar crank mechanism to the 1909 Beck engine (the first version of the Beck). I can't see any water jacket connections so I assume those corrugations are supposed to be cooling fins. Not very effective in that format, I'll wager. It is not known if the operation was two or four-stroke, but no valve mechanism is visible so two-stroke is more likely.
Jules Goux has a Wikipedia page, but it does not mention this engine. He was a graduate of Arts et Metiers, Paris, and so very likely also a competent engineer.
Henri Jacques de Lassus de Saint Genies is unknown to Google, but I did find Anne Henri Jacques de Lassus Saint Genies, (of Versailles, France) whom I think we can safely assume was his daughter. She took out at least two USA patents on photography. These were US 2,131,974 of Oct 1938, and US 2,230,938 of Feb 1941.
Ponnier were a less than sucessful aircraft manufacturer. Their L1 biplane never reached production, and their M1 biplane of which perhaps 18 were built, proved ineffective.
The name Lariboisière is obscure. It is the name of a hospital in Paris.
According to Karl Ludvigsen "In Nebraska's Omaha engineer Louis Wolff built toroidal engines for both vehicles and aircraft during the 1930s. Strong claims for products of his Toroidal Aircraft Motors Company failed to translate into practice."
The Toroidal Aircraft Motors Company is unknown to Google.
![]() | Left: The Wolff engine: 1929
Yet again according to Karl Ludvigsen a man called John Paddon designed a toroidal engine in the 1930's, in which the pistons were controlled by cams. This engine is unknown to Google, and to the US Patent system.
![]() | Left: A prototype of the Bradshaw Omega toroidal engine: 1955
![]() | Left: Granville Bradshaw
![]() | Left: The Bradshaw Omega engine: 1955
![]() | Left: The Bradshaw Omega engine principle
NEW You can see a five-minute film of Granville Bradshaw describing his ideas and his intention to make Britain a world-dominating motor manufacturer on the British Pathe site. I am grateful to Ken Gasmier for bringing this to my attention.
A biography of Granville is now available: 'Granville Bradshaw: a flawed genius?' by Barry Jones. Looks well worth reading.
According to one commentator from the world of motorcycles:
"The Omega was the final fling of a man whose ideas were always clever and innovative, but who sadly failed to understand the commercial needs of the business. His designs were novel, but invariably costly and seldom trouble-free, so his long involvement with the industry made news and kept everyone intrigued, rather than producing machines for riding."
It appears his aeroplane engines were also problematic: see Wikipedia.
I unearthed this quote from Patrick Head, one of the great engineers of Grand Prix racing:
"They had a wonderful project while I was down at Harry Westlake's. Somebody had sent them an engine called a Bradshaw, and it arrived in a cardboard box. It was basically a toroidal chamber with pistons which filled a section of the toroid, attached to two crosses, such that, as they went round, gearing superimposed an oscillation on the rotary motion. Intakes, exhaust and spark plugs were arranged around the periphery of the chamber. I was asked to find out how this engine worked, assemble it and install it on a dynamometer so that it could be evaluated.
"There was no inlet manifold or carburettor, so I got an Amal and made an inlet manifold, assembled the whole contraption and put it on the dyno. It happened that Dan Gurney turned up on the day we were due to start it up, and watched from outside the dyno. room, behind the bullet-proof glass. Anyway, this Bradshaw engine started up - the guy had said that it was perfectly balanced and would rev to umpteen thousand RPM - the only problem was that in the gear casing, at the back of the engine, he had made all the gears himself, with a file or something! The pitch of the teeth were all irregular and I had to do an incredible amount of lapping - the quality of build was awful.
"Anyway it did start and run, and I fiddled about with the carburettor and sorted out a few things. Dan Gurney was outside and encouraging us to give it the berries. While it was idling at a few hundred RPM a cloud of smoke gradually built up in the dyno. room. Eventually we gave it some more RPM, only about 2,500, when suddenly there was a mighty BANG! and the whole of the glass window disappeared in a mess of oil and metal. Slowly the murk cleared and all we could see through the smoke were the feet of the gearcase, and the toroidal chamber, with bits of cast iron and aluminium all over the place.
"It all got collected up, put back in the box and sent back to Mr Bradshaw. I don't think his concept was properly evaluated at all....."
It is not clear from this description of an extraordinarily casual approach to engine testing what failed- perhaps the home-made gearwheels were not up to the job. At any rate, it is clear that it did run.
If Mr Bradshaw was paying to have his engine tested, I should think he was very angry indeed.
Note how the spark plug goes round with the toroid, passing the pistons as they come together at the end of the compression part of the cycle. The white comet-shaped thing going round is the exhaust port.
As in all toroidal engines, there have to be slots in the cylinder wall to couple with the piston, and these need to be sealed. How this was done in the Bradshaw engine is not known.
There is an obvious resemblance to the Bradshaw Omega engine, but I have not so far found any reports that Bradshaw worked with BSA. The two halves of the rotating cylinder assembly were made in cast iron and was fitted with curved fins for cooling.
As in all toroidal engines, there have to be slots in the cylinder wall to couple with the piston, and these need to be sealed. How this was done in this engine is not known; possibly the slot was short enough so it stayed in the centre section between the two sets of rings on each piston.
Research has unearthed no other reference to this engine, and the assumption must be that development work was abandoned in 1955 or shortly after. I have never understood the thinking behind this apparently daft project. Surely a moped engine should be as simple and easy to manufacture as possible?
The mechanism is clearly different from the Bradshaw, but the exact operation is rather obscure.
According to The Motor Cycle: "Dividing the toroid are two partitions at 180 degrees; within each half is a long double-ended piston and two pistons are coupled by a diametrical arm."
If there are fixed partitions, then clearly the pistons must be going round with the cylinder block, as otherwise they would whack into them. This appears to be indicated by the arrow in the middle.
The Tschudi engine works on the four-stroke cycle. It has four curved-cylindrical pistons moving in a toroidal cylinder; the toroid contains two rotors that each carry a pair of pistons, and two rollers that bear on cams fixed to the output shaft. The pistons stop and start as the rollers either press against the sides of the cam or drop into a groove in it.
There are two rollers and a cam in black, and another set in white. The output shaft is eccentric to the rotors and toroids; it turns through 1.2 revolutions for every revolution of the pistons.
Only one cam and one pair of rollers can be seen from this side.
Bill Todd says:
"As the cam approaches and passes TDC, and the rotor stops, the follower rollers bear on a 'circular' segment on the cam. Since the cam axis is offset from the rotor/follower axis, any rotor movement would also try to move the cam axis which is fixed. However, the cam is free to revolve without moving the rotor, at least for that short section of the cam profile.
Showing how a circular cam profile locks the rollers, although the cam itself can still rotate.
An obvious objection to this design is that the stresses on the rollers and cams are going to be very high.
Bill Todd says:
"The cam is at a considerable mechanical disadvantage, so both it and the follower rollers are under enormous stress. The patent drawing shows the follower/roller assembly spring mounted to the rotor to 'decease friction and ware', presumably because Tschudi couldn't get the cam shape quite right. I can't help thinking this would have just made the thing clank like a bag of tools."
Unlike the Kauertz engine, the Tschudi only gives two power impulses for each revolution of the output shaft, and so a practical design requires two toroid assemblies, greatly complicating things.
Research into the history of the Tschudi engine has so far yielded very little. It does not seem to have made any news since 1968. Given the painfully obvious mechanical problems and the absence of any advantages, it seems unlikely that Tschudi found any financial backing.
The engines in this section are all believed to be currently live projects, in some sense at least
The idea of a Toroidal engine is still with us. Take a look at this site: which showcases a toroidal engine introduced by Raphial Morgado. He calls it the MYT engine (Mighty Yet Tiny) which, if it really has the "40 times higher power to weight ratio" than conventional engines that he claims, would not be unreasonable.
The site has been updated in 2011, so in some sense this project is still live.
The operating principle is similiar to that of the Bradshaw engine above, but in this case the pistons in the toroid move back and forth in conjunction with a rotating crank and connecting rod assembly. This can be seen between the two finned sections in the picture.
Excess modesty is not Mr Morgado's prime trait:
"Into the future! The ECONOMY DESPERATELY needs a breakthrough technology to ignite the next industrial revolution! Presenting the revolutionary, super clean, super fuel-efficient, MYT Engine that can lead us into a clean and prosperous future."
Nowhere on the website is there any hint as to why this engine should be so superior to all others.
The Morgado engine is covered by US Patent No 6739307, issued in May 2004.
The toroid is at the right, and the rotating crank mechanism with sun and planet gears, to the left.
Karl Ludvigsen is not impressed by the Morgado engine, as he wrote in 2006 in Just-Auto. In fact he thinks it's rubbish, pointing out amongst other things that there are daunting sealing problems and the gestures at finning would give completely inadequate cooling.
The Reisser Cycle Engine has a nice simple up-and-down mechanism that appears to be original. However there is no sign of any hardware, and putting "Under construction" on a commercial website is never a good look.
The Rotobloc Engine appears to be the Bradshaw Omega engine reborn, but with Scotch cranks to drive the pistons instead of ordinary ones. Rotobloc do have hardware:
Note the copper sealing gasket.
This YouTube video is not identified but
appears to be a demonstration model of the Rotobloc engine.
The RoundEngine website has a very nice video that demonstrates clearly the impractibility of the engine concept. The inventor apparently expects that rotating "timing disc" to get out of the way of the pistons just in time, while still maintaining sealing; good luck with that. The concept is rather reminiscent of the Turner Rotary Steam Engine of 1816, and about as plausible. Another attempt at this sort of thing was the Galloway Rotary Steam Engine of 1834.
No hardware visible.
An interesting CAD video of an engine concept using no less than four toroids.
The Crossed-Axes Toroidal Engine has two intersecting toroidal cylinders, apparently with pistons whizzing round just missing each other at the intersections. Enjoy.
The Barrera Rotary Engine uses a toroidal cylinder.
This Toroidal Engine uses non-circular gears to give varying speeds to three pistons in a toroid.
Left: Granville Bradshaw in 1955
Left: Animation of the Bradshaw Omega engine.
Another stunning animation by Bill Todd.
Left: Another pic of the Bradshaw Omega engine.
Source unknown, but from the style, probably Motorcycle magazine.
Left: The BSA Toroidal engine: 1955.
From The Motor Cycle Aug 1955
Left: The BSA Toroidal engine: the principle.
The functioning to the two pairs of gears to the left is also a bit mysterious, as one of the pairs seems to be redundant. If anyone knows anything more about this engine I would be glad to hear from them.
From The Motor Cycle Aug 1955
Left: The Tschudi engine: 1967.
From Popular Science, Jan 1967
Left: The operation of the Tschudi engine: 1967.
From Popular Science, Jan 1967.
Left: The stop-start action of the Tschudi pistons.
Classy animation by by Bill Todd.
Left: The roller & cam action of the Tschudi engine.
Tschudi added the asymmetry or 'dwell faces' to alter the inlet/exhaust timings. (according to the May 1968 patent)"
Another classy animation by by Bill Todd.
Left: The roller & cam action of the Tschudi engine.
Diagram by Bill Todd.
Left: The Morgado engine.
Left: Morgado engine drawing from patent 6739307
Thanks to Lee Dunbar for drawing my attention to this engine.
Left: Rotobloc cylinder with pistons in place