The Argentinian Steam-Motor Locomotives

Updated: 8 May 2013
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The Metre-gauge Buenos Aires Midland Railway bought two of these Sentinel locomotives in October 1931. The BAMR had been using Sentinel-Cammell railcars similar to the LNER pattern for suburban traffic, but increasing numbers of passengers meant that larger multiple units were required. The locomotive shown here was based on the Sentinel twin-engined railcar chassis, of which large numbers were made, and used by some British railway companies such as the LNER. (this site has so far not looked at railcars- something possibly for the future
The locomotives resulted from a specification drawn up by Liversey, Son, & Henderson, a firm of consulting engineers. Sentinel built the locomotive chassis while Metropolitan-Cammell built the coaches and the locomotive bodywork. Each train was made up of one locomotive, one first-class carriage, and two second-class carriages.

Left: One of the Argentinian Steam-Motor locomotives.

Each locomotive was fitted with twin six-cylinder engines giving 250 hp maximum. A Woolnough water-tube boiler working at 300 psi was mounted more or less in the middle of the chassis. The boiler was fed by a Weir feedpump, with its delivery routed through an exhaust-steam feed heater. 24V electric power was provided by a J Stones turbine generator, feeding gauge and cab lights as well as a 14-inch Tonum headlight at each end of the locomotive.

Left: Argentinian Steam-Motor locomotive

Shown on the day of its entry into service, at Puente Alsina station. 1931?

Left: One of the Argentinian Steam-Motor locomotives.

Out of service, out to grass, at Libertad station. Date unknown.

Left: An Argentinian Steam-Motor locomotive

Astonishingly, it appears that one of these remarkable machines has been preserved, and is on display at the Estancia (Station)of Santa Romana Railway Museum. On this website are the two photos shown here.

Why the locomotive has been painted in camo is a mystery.

Left: An Argentinian Steam-Motor locomotive

These picture are from the Collection of Jorge E. Ferrando, dated December 2004. All attempts to find a way of contacting Mr Ferrando have failed, so I have reluctantly published these images without permission.

Thanks to Bob Netzlof for alerting me to these pictures

These two locomotives were followed by The Colombian Steam-Motor Locomotive, about which there is far more information.

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