Published by Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis
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I try to make sure everything I write is wholly free from errors. I fail. There are some typos and afterthoughts which are listed here: Errata
Some of the features of Electronics for Vinyl:
- A whole chapter on integrating phono amplifiers into a complete preamplifier.
- A complete chapter on differing phono amplifier technologies, covering active, passive, and semi- passive RIAA equalisation and transconductance RIAA stages
- A complete chapter on the tricky business of getting really accurate RIAA equalisation without spending a fortune on expensive components. Includes switched-gain MM/MC RIAA amplifiers that retain great accuracy at all gains, the effects of finite open-loop gain, cartridge-preamplifier interaction and so on.
- A complete chapter on noise and distortion in phono amplifiers, covering BJTs, FETs, and opamps as input devices, hybrid phono amplifiers, noise in balanced MM inputs, noise weighting, and cartridge load synthesis for ultimately low noise.
- A complete chapter on archival & non-standard equalisation for 78's etc.
- A complete chapter on building phono amplifiers with discrete transistors
- A complete chapter on subsonic filtering, covering all-pole filters, elliptical filters and suppression of subsonics by low-frequency crossfeed, including the unique Devinyliser concept.
- A complete chapter on ultrasonic and scratch filtering, including a variety of variable- slope scratch filters.
- Comprehensive chapters on line output technology, including zero-impedance outputs, on level indication for optimal setup, and on specialised power supplies.
- The final chapter describes six practical projects which range from the simple to the highly sophisticated, but all give exceptional performance.
The Chapters
Chapter 1: Basics
Chapter 2: Passive components
Chapter 3: Opamps and their properties
Chapter 4: Preamplifier architectures w RIAA inputs
Chapter 5: Phono preamplifier architectures
Chapter 6: Moving-magnet inputs: levels
Chapter 7: Moving-magnet inputs: RIAA equalisation
Chapter 8: Moving-magnet inputs: archival & non-standard equalisation
Chapter 9: Moving-magnet inputs: noise & distortion
Chapter 10: Moving-magnet inputs: discrete circuitry
Chapter 11: Moving-coil disc inputs
Chapter 12: Subsonic filtering
Chapter 13: Ultrasonic & scratch filtering
Chapter 14: Line outputs
Chapter 15: Level indication
Chapter 16: Power supplies
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