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Page 98: Figure 4.21. The cathode of D3 should connect to the emitter of Q4, not the negative supply rail
Page 183: Right column- Should be MPSA42, not MPSA4
Page 237: Left column- "Figure 9.7a" should read "Figure 9.8a"
Page 237: Right column- "Figure 9.18" should read "Figure 9.19"
Page 238: Left column- "Figure 9.7b" should read "Figure 9.8b"
Page 243: Left column- "Figure 9.13" should read "Figure 9.12"
Page 243: Right column- "Figures 6.7 and 6.8" should read "Figures 9.6 and 9.7"
Page 311: Figure 12.1. The caption refers to an EF output, but it should read "CFP output"
Page 320: Figure 12.13. The caption should say simple-VAS, not EF-VAS.
Page 348: Left column- "Figure 13.14" should read "Figure 13.16"
Page 352: Figure 13.28. The polarity of the three sets of opamp inputs is the wrong way round
Page 641: Fig 26.13. The base of Tr4 is not connected to the adjacent blob
Page 657: Left column- C5 should be C1. Fig 27.8 is correct.
The diodes referred to in the caption should be D6, D7.
Page 243: Left column- "Figure 9.14" should read "Figure 9.13"